Choose the best yoga teacher training in India

This is one of the most common questions I get asked, so instead of recounting my response 100 times on social media, I thought I should dedicate a whole article to the topic!
Choosing a yoga teacher coaching seems like a very important decision, and to some level, it is. But when considered against almost anything else in the world, it just isn’t! Don’t overthink this decision too much because, in the end, you want to learn more about yoga and be certified in tech on some level, and almost any teaching will help you know how to teach.
There’re a few key factors you should think about before making your decision, so, in my opinion, here’s how to choose the best yoga teacher training in India for your needs.
1.) Training with an instructor you love. I think this is of utmost importance because not only will you be investing a lot of time with whomever you train with, but you’ll likely go from training with a lot of the same teaching features. It’s simple to find out more about our instructors, especially when we start the teaching journey, so don’t be very impressed if you end up using the same language as your teacher. So, do you like the way they teach? Does it motivate you? Is it simple and helpful? Is it genuine? So ensure that you really enjoy training with the teacher you choose.
2.) Can you afford it? You afford to pay for the yoga seasons, and while I can’t think about how much more value you could get for the fees you pay, many people save from what they have to get it done. If you can’t do it now, don’t be stressed. Just avoid some costly expresses so you can save some cash for the training. There’s no need of being broke and in debts, even if it is in the name of doing something as modest as teaching yoga. Make your decision on when you can do it not just when you want to do it. Painful, but true!
3.) Gradually, the more you learn is entirely in your hands. Yoga Teacher Training will get the fundamentals under your buckle, but take it from me: 90% of what I teach and what I know about individual anatomy, yoga history, and communication were all obtained through my learning outside of any training. This is not to say that YTTs aren’t useful, because they are. You’ll learn so much and bond hugely with your teacher and with the team you research with, so I definitely think it’s worth it. But, remember: ultimately, you are your own best resource, so don’t think that you can’t learn anything without spending a fortune because it’s basically not real.
4.) Should it be Yoga Partnership certified? I’m undecided on this. I personally don’t think there’s value in a YA seal of approval, but many studios will not agree with me. If you seriously want to teach in studios, they’ll probably need you to have those coveted characters “RYT” at the end of your name. Just because an exercise is YA certified does not mean that it will provide you with a better chance to learn than another one. Like consistent research and how it’s not actually a precise value of intellect, yoga is not the only value of a teacher’s or studio’s qualifications.
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