Benefits of Yoga - Oceanic Yoga

The art of yoga in ancient India was being practiced since from the Vedic period. This perennial wisdom of self realization is having its roots in Samkhya Philosophy of sage Kapila. This doctrine is greater contribution to the field of psychology and philosophy with an objective of having an understanding of the cause and effect. On this background of metaphysics of Samkhya, Maharshi Patanjali later systematically developed the Ashtanga Yoga. Samkhya holds that knowledge is the means of liberation. Yoga loudly pronounces the same with clear benefits of Yoga in the form reduction of impurities and the attainment of the discriminating wisdom. The yoga teacher training in India will comprise of the essential philosophical principles which are helpful to develop the sustainable Yogic practice with its basic aim and objectives of achieving the health and happiness through the harmony in the life.
Indian yoga traditions are the essence of the hard work and the legacy of legendary masters of the subject who devoted their life time for the practice of Yoga and its applications. Eminent yogis like Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh,T Krishnamacharaya, B K S Iyengar and many others across the country propagated the study of hatha yoga in India with the help of the suitable teaching methodologies. In order to achieve the precise understanding of the technicalities of the yogic modules, these practical methods are fundamental to Yoga teacher training India. The schools are committed to the continuity of the lineage in addition the to the fulfillment of the contemporary needs of the teaching skills to the students of Yoga training.
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