Yoga and its positive effects on mind and body

For 5000 years, Yoga has been playing a major part of the world’s progression in physical and mental exercises. Yoga is known for its rich heritage in philosophical and spiritual knowledge along with it’s popular exercises. In it’s powerful way, yoga helps us to cope with trauma and depression along with physical fitness with everyday practice. There are many yoga studios in India to teach yoga and it’s positive effects on the mind and body.
Oceanic yoga studio in Goa for example is one of the finest with its authenticity and aesthetic beauty. Yoga teacher training programs are a major highlight in this studio. With utmost humility and respect, their tutors address each and every student for personalized learning. To balance both mind and body positivity, people visit their studio to learn the yogic way of healthy and better living.
In general, yoga has been divided into layers of multiple classes. There are easy yoga poses like balasana, bujasana, forward fold, downward dog, etc.., which are designated to beginners. Then there are intermediate poses like garudasana, chandrasana, dhanurasana etc.., for people who are learning to adopt yoga as a lifestyle. And finally, there are extremes like bakasana, haumasana, sisra padasana etc.., which are very advanced levels for people who are practicing yoga for a very long time.
Yoga has different forms along with classes. Every yoga posture irrespective of its position is designed to mark a positive impact on us in the end. Some are vinyasa yoga, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, ashtanga vinyasa yoga for example. Let us acknowledge some of the beginner poses along with ashtanga vinyasa yoga to understand how yoga has its positive effects on our mind and body.
Beginners’ yoga postures that have positive effects.
- Tree pose — varkasana
To improve our balance and stability personally and professionally, this posture helps a lot. Just by standing straight for two minutes or longer with our hands brought together like a prayer pose, we tend to develop great balance internally for both body and mind.
With this, there’s an increase in the whole body stretching from toe to top. People on a regular basis practice this pose under morning sunlight to embrace the sun’s morning rays. They are beneficiary for body activeness and keep our mind and body connected for the whole day.
- Balasana — child’s pose
Balasana or downward facing dog is a posture where you bend your knees and flex your arms forward as you bring your chest closer to the ground. Make your shoulders and face downward unlike your arms. This is a pure beginner posture where you stay still and relax your breath as long as you can.
the child’s pose heals our body and mind in many ways. It helps in relaxing our ankles, shoulders, and back pain. With relaxed breathing, our body positivity increases and we tuned to explore in various thoughts. As we face grounded, it calms the higher blood pressure and awakens our physical and spiritual self-esteem.
- Sukhasana — cross-legged pose
I think sukhasana or the cross-legged pose is the simplest posture under the umbrella of yoga. Simple but very efficient which is practiced by advanced level yogis along with beginners. It can be done by closing your sitting on the floor or mat cross-legged, straightening your spine as much as you can, hands-on keens with palms up, relaxing your shoulders, and close your eyes.
Read more: Yoga Teacher Training in India
There’s a transformation of clean energy with this pose. Your soothing breath cleanses your mind from toxic thoughts and heals internal stress and depression. This is also known as meditation posture. By doing this for more than eight minutes, we develop to focus on anything under our concern. It keeps us well connected with our body and spirit.
- Shavasana or corpse pose.
Just lie flat on the ground or mat by keeping your whole body in contact. Keep your body straight with palms facing upward and legs carefree. Relax your mind from all thoughts and close your eyes. Keep doing for five minutes and try to concentrate on anything other than disturbing trauma. Explore your thoughts in different dimensions.
By doing this on a daily basis, it’ll deliberately help in increasing the mental health of our body.
Other than these basic practices there are many forms in yoga for body and mind positivity. As mentioned let us understand what’s ashtanga vinyasa yoga and how it’ll help.
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga or modern classical yoga is popularised during the twentieth century. This yoga is known for energizing body, synchronizing breath, and cleansing the mind. Every pose is a flowing movement. People are subconsciously attached to every pose upon regular practicing. Such is the impact of their asanas.
Ashtanga yoga is a sequential practice consisting series of learning and postures. There are ideally three series which are
- Primary — yoga chikitsa
- Intermediate — nadi shodana
- Advanced — sthira bhanga
Every series then consist of many derivates which function to improve the strength and mindfulness for body and mind respectively. People are well connected with each series because of it’s spiritual adrenaline. Repetition of every asana will align your body and mind interconnecting with each other.
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